Homework Assignment 1 CS 389r Unique Numbers: 52325 Spring, 2017 Given: January 17, 2017 Due: January 31, 2017 This assignment is based on the material from Moore's Recursion and Induction notes. Please read the first six sections before attempting to do the homework. Your homework assignment is to provide solutions for problems 1 -- 17. We will be using the ACL2 theorem-proving system starting in a couple of weeks. The top-level ACL2 webpage can be found here: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/ If you wish to use this system on UTCS Linux-based computers, then be sure that you have appropriate usage privileges. Once you have logged into a UTCS Linux-based computer, then you may type: /p/bin/acl2 If you wish to use ACL2 on your personal computer or laptop, then you will need to follow ACL2 installation instructions: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/v7-0/HTML/installation/installation.html Before ACL2 can be built on your laptop or deskside computer, you will need to obtain a Lisp implementation. We recommend that you use Clozure Common Lisp. Why? This is the Lisp that we generally use, and we have a lot of experience using this Lisp system. This hashtag contains a bit of information that might be helpful. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/v7-0/HTML/installation/requirements.html#Obtaining-CCL NOTE: We (either the instructor or the TA) will be available each week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:15 to 3:45 pm in GDC 7.808. If you don't see us there, come (east) down the hall to our office and ask us for help. In addition, we can be available at other times by appointment. Don't wait if you have a problem -- come see us, and we will try to help you.