This demo is adapted from these files of J Moore in the ACL2 Community Books; see them for details. (I don't do this sort of thing myself!) We consider this class: class Demo { public static int fact(int n){ if (n>0) {return n*fact(n-1);} else return 1; } /* This main method is not translated by jvm2acl2 */ /* because our M5 model does not support the */ /* native methods necessary to support IO. */ public static void main(String[] args){ int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0], 10); System.out.println(fact(n)); return; } } We include definitions of a JVM interpreter and of the "fact" method translated mechanically to ACL2. (include-book "models/jvm/m5/jvm-fact-setup" :dir :system) Our demo function runs that JVM interpreter for n steps on a suitably initialized state. (in-package "M5") (defun demo-fact (n) (let ((sched (fact-sched 0 n))) (list (list 'steps (len sched)) (list 'ans (top (stack (top-frame 0 (run sched (make-state (list (cons 0 (make-thread (push (make-frame 0 nil (push n nil) '((INVOKESTATIC "Demo" "fact" 1)) 'UNLOCKED "Demo") nil) 'SCHEDULED nil))) *demo-heap* *demo-class-table*))))))))) The following displays the M5 bytecode corresponding to the fact method. (lookup-method "fact" "Demo" *demo-class-table*) Run the following to execute the bytecode on 5 and get 120, and to execute the bytecode on 17 (negative answer due to twos-complement representation of lower 32 bits of result). (demo-fact 5) (demo-fact 17) Compare with: (! 17) ; factorial of 17 (previous name: fact) (int-fix (! 17)) ; low 32 bits of 17 factorial That is the negative number fact is returning: ``the low order 32 bits of the true factorial''. Now prove correctness. The summary shows rules used in the proof. (defthm fact-is-correct (implies (poised-to-invoke-fact th s n) (equal (run (fact-sched th n) s) (modify th s :pc (+ 3 (pc (top-frame th s))) :stack (push (int-fix (! n)) (pop (stack (top-frame th s))))))) :hints (("Goal" :induct (induction-hint th s n)))) The theorem above says that if you have an M5 state poised to execute the fact method on n in thread th and if you run it a certain number to steps on thread th, you just modify s by incrementing the pc past the invoke instruction (which is 3 bytes) and popping the n off the stack and pushing the low order 32 bits of the true n!.