Study Guide for CS 303E Test 3 (5 Dec 2012) The last test is cummulative but there will be greater emphasis on material that was not covered in the earlier tests. For each exam topic I have given some sample questions for you to solve. The best way to tackle the material would be to write solutions to these problems and run them on the computer. I do not have answer keys for these questions. * Dictionary and its associated functions Q. Create a function that accepts a string as an input parameter and then prints out the frequency of all the characters other than white space characters. Use a dictionary and parse the input string character by character. The character will be the key and the frequency of its occurence the value. Print all the key-value pairs at the end. * Set and its associated functions Q. Write a function that accepts two lists of strings as input and returns a list that has only the strings common to both the input list. Use a sets inside the function. * List and its associated functions Q. Create a 2-D list that has 3 rows and 5 columns and populate that list with random numbers in the range 1 through 100. Q. Write a function that takes as input two 2-D list and returns True if they are the same and False otherwise. Q. Write a function that takes as input two 2-D list of the same size and returns a 2-D list that has the sum of the corresponding elements of the two lists. Q. Write a function that takes as input a 2-D list and returns a 2-D list with each row in reverse order. Q. Write a function that takes as input a 2-D list and returns a 2-D list with each column in reverse order. Q. Write a function that takes as input two 1-D list of the same size and returns a single number that is the sum of the corresponding products of the elements of the two lists. a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] Your function should return 1*4 + 2*5 + 3*6 = 32 Q. Write a function that takes as input a 1-D list and returns True if it is sorted in ascending order and False otherwise. Q. Write a function that sums the rows, columns, and diagonals of a 2-D list. Q. Given a 1-D list of 3 numbers sort the list in ascending order without using the built-in sort function or loops. Q. Given a 1-D list shuffle the contents of the list. * Basic algorithms of sorting, searching, and merging Q. Consider the binary search code shown below. What is the last value that is printed for count and mid when a = [ 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, 35, 41, 45, 55, 62] x = 23 def binarySearch (a, x): lo = 0 hi = len(a) - 1 count = 0 while (lo <= hi): count = count + 1 mid = (lo + hi) / 2 print count, mid if (x < a[mid]): hi = mid - 1 elif (x > a[mid]): lo = mid + 1 else: return mid return -1 * String and its associated functions Q. Write a function that takes as input two strings and returns True if the two string are anagrams and False otherwise. The strings may have spaces and punctuation marks and upper and lower characters. You are only concerned that they have the same letters (case insensitive). * File manipulations for reading, writing, and appending Q. Write a function that takes as input two strings - username and password and returns True if they match a username and password combination in a password file and False otherwise. The password file is called passwd.txt and the username and passwords are stored one pair to a line and each pair of username and password is separated by a colon. username1:password1 ... usernameN:passwordN * Write recursive code from recurrence relations and write the output of recursive functions given the input. Q. Write a recursive function that implements this recurrence relation f(n) = 2 * f(n - 1) + n where f(0) = 0 What is f(8)? Q. Consider the recursive function shown below. What will it return for recurse (45, 75)? def recurse (m, n): if (m == n): return m elif (m > n): return recurse (m - n, n) else: return recurse (n - m, m) * Permutation Problems Q. A secretary writes letters to A, B, C, and D. She also prepares four envelopes addressed to A, B, C, and D. She manages to put all the letters in the wrong envelopes. Enumerate (list) all the ways she can do that. Q. You have the following books that you would like to arrange on your shelf. - War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy - Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann - Death in Venice by Thomas Mann - Arms and the Man by Bernard Shaw - Candida by Bernard Shaw Enumerate the different ways you can arrange the books as long as you keep the books by the same author together. Q. A, B, C, D, and E go to a ball game. A and B want to sit next to each other but C and D prefer not to. Enumerate the different ways that they can sit on the same bench. * Combination Problems Q. Home owners A, B, C, D, E, and F have all agreed to serve on the Home Owners' Association. But the Home Owners' Association just needs three people. A is willing to serve only if B serves, though B has not made that same condition. C and D both refuse to serve if the other is in the association. Enumerate the different associations that you can form. Q. A side show at Coney Island is described as follows: There were ten little dummies which you were to knock over with baseballs. The man said: "Take as many throws as you like at a cent apiece and stand as close as you please. Add up the numbers on all the men that you knock down and when the sum amounts to exactly fifty, neither more nor less you get a genuine 25 cent Maggie Cline cigar with a gold band around it." The numbers on the ten dummies were: 15, 9, 30, 21, 19, 3, 12, 6, 25, 27 What numbers in that series add up to 50? * Do problems for the Java Section of Coding Bat. Look at problems in Array-3, String-3, and Recursion-2.