Code Lab Problems (Due 09 Nov 2013, 11 PM)

Login to the Code Lab site and work through some of the problems assigned from Chapter 7. Do not re-register, at this site if you have already done so.

Here are some of the problems that I would like you to try from those exercises:

The number in parentheses refers to the number of problems assigned.

You may try the problems as many times as you like. There is no negative grading and you do not have to submit anything. As long as you used your actual name to register we will be able to identify you.

If you are stuck on a problem come and get help from us during our office hours. Check the office hours location and times in the syllabus. You may also work with friends in class on these tutorial problems.

Coding Bat Problems (Due 09 Nov 2013, 11 PM)

Please create an account on Coding Bat. Use your real first and last name. Once your account is created, share your account with

Here are the problems that I would like you to work out by Saturday, 09 November 2013, 11 PM. These problems are taken from the Python section. There are no extensions to these exercises.
