Easter Sunday (Due 18 Sep 2017)

In this program you will compute the date of Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring. This algorithm was invented by Carl Friedrich Gauss.
  1. Let y be the year ( such as 2001 ).

  2. Divide y by 19 and call the remainder a. Ignore the quotient.

  3. Divide y by 100 to get a quotient b and a remainder c.

  4. Divide b by 4 to get a quotient d and a remainder e.

  5. Divide 8 * b + 13 by 25 to get a quotient g. Ignore the remainder.

  6. Divide 19 * a + b - d - g + 15 by 30 to get a remainder h. Ignore the quotient.

  7. Divide c by 4 to get a quotient j and a remainder k.

  8. Divide a + 11 * h by 319 to get a quotient m. Ignore the remainder.

  9. Divide 2 * e + 2 * j - k - h + m + 32 by 7 to get a remainder r. Ignore the quotient.

  10. Divide h - m + r + 90 by 25 to get a quotient n. Ignore the remainder.

  11. Divide h - m + r + n + 19 by 32 to get a remainder p. Ignore the quotient.

Easter Sunday falls on day p of the month n. For example if y is 2001: Hence in 2001, Easter Sunday was on 15 April.

In your program you will prompt the user to enter the year and then write out the date for Easter Sunday. Your session will look like this exactly. Any deviations from the output will result in points being deducted.

Enter year: 2001

In 2001 Easter Sunday is on 15 April.

You can go to the US Naval Observatory website and check your result:

The program that you will be writing will be called EasterSunday. We will be looking at good documentation, and adherence to the coding convention discussed in class. You may use the same variable names used in the problem statement. Your file EasterSunday.py will have the following header:

#  File: EasterSunday.py

#  Description:

#  Student Name:

#  Student UT EID:

#  Course Name: CS 303E

#  Unique Number: 

#  Date Created:

#  Date Last Modified:

Use the Canvas system to submit your EasterSunday.py file. We should receive your work by 11 PM on Monday, 18 Sep 2017. There will be substantial penalties if you do not adhere to the guidelines.