Populating Your Database with Sample Data

Downloading and Saving the SQL Script

If you are using a Windows machine you can download the SQL script from the author's website. I have the same data on Blackboard under Course Documents for Mac users. In either case, save all the .sql files in a folder on your machine.

Running the Script

Open SQL Developer and login to the CS Oracle server. If you have saved your settings you could just select the connection name and it will connect you to our Oracle server.

Here are the steps on running the script createStudent.sql:

  1. File -> Open -> createStudent.sql
  2. On the right pull down menu select your Connection name.
  3. Hover your mouse on the second button on the top right window. It should say Run Script. Press that button. Once that completes you will see a Results Window with the message:
    Creation and population of database has been completed.
  4. Hover your mouse on the third button on the top right window. It should have a check mark on it. Click it to commit your changes.
  5. View -> refresh
  6. Click on your connection tab on the left and click on Tables. You should see all the tables that have been loaded.