Study Guide for CS 313E Test 2 (Spring 2013) * The questions on the test will involve the algorithms that we covered and the following data structures - stacks, queues, linked lists and binary search trees. * You should be familiar with the following sorting algorithms - selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort. You should be able to trace each of the algorithms for a given array. * You should be able to apply the Stack or Queue class to solve simple problems. * You should be able to add to the functionality of the LinkedList class, modify the LinkedList class (think Circular Lists or Doubly LinkedList), or apply the LinkedList class to solve simple problems. * You should be able to add to the functionality of the BinarySearchTree class, modify the BinarySearch Tree class, or apply the BinarySearchTree class to solve simple problems. * You may bring a cheat sheet (8.5" x 11") with you with hand written notes on both sides of the paper.