Lecture Notes on 03 Feb 2014 Q1. In the following pairs of classes, identify the superclass and the subclass: * Employee, Manager * Polygon, Triangle * GraduateStudent, Student * Person, Student * Employee, GraduateStudent * BankAccount, CheckingAccount * Vehicle, Car * Vehicle, Minivan * Car, Minivan * Truck, Vehicle Q2. Draw an inheritance diagram that shows the inheritance relationships between the classes * Person * Employee * Student * Instructor * Classroom * Object Q3. In an object-oriented traffic simulation system, we have the following classes. Draw an inheritance diagram that shows the relationships between these classes * Vehicle * Car * Truck * Sedan * Coupe * PickupTruck * SportUtilityVehicle * Minivan * Bicycle * Motorcycle Q4. What inheritance relationships would you establish among the following classes: * Student * Professor * TeachingAssistant * Employee * Secretary * DepartmentChair * Janitor * SeminarSpeaker * Person * Course * Seminar * Lecture * ComputerLab