Coding Bat Related Tutorial Exercises (Due 8 Aug 2014)

These problems are taken from the Java Section of Coding Bat but modified for Python. You will have to download the program and fill in the header. Remove the .txt extension. That extension is there because some browsers may not allow you to download executable files.

For each function that you wish to write, remove the comment symbol (#). Write your code and test it on the command line. Supposing the function you wrote was factorial. Then you will execute the following command:

python3 factorial
You do that for every function that you write. Do not modify the functions that have not been assigned.

There are several problems that we worked out in class and you may use their solutions. Work with a partner on these exercises. Both of you must read the paper on Pair Programming . I would like you to do the following problems:

You must use the turnin system to submit the file as you would with your regular programming assignments. The proctors should see this file on the turnin system by Friday, 8 August 2014, 11 PM. There are no time extensions to the Coding Bat tutorial exercises.