Lecture Notes on 23 Jun 2014 # Outline for the Easter Sunday program def main(): # Prompt the user to enter year y = int (input ('Enter year: ')) print (y) # Compute Easter Sunday according to Gauss's algorithm a = y % 19 n = 4 p = 15 # Write out the date for Easter Sunday if (n == 3): print ('In', y, 'Easter Sunday is on', p, 'March.') if (n == 4): print ('In', y, 'Easter Sunday is on', p, 'April.') main() * Write a Boolean expression that evaluates to True - num is an odd number (num % 2 == 1) - num is an even number (num % 2 == 0) - num is a factor of 12 (12 % num == 0) - num is a multiple of 12 (num % 12 == 0) - num is a three digit number that is divisible by 3 (num >= 100) and (num <= 999) and (num % 3 == 0) - num is not a three digit number and is divisible by 5 (num < 100) or (num > 999) and (num % 5 == 0) - ch is a lower case letter (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'z') - ch is a lower case vowel (ch == 'a') or (ch == 'e') or (ch == 'i') or (ch == 'o') or (ch == 'u') - ch is either a lower case or upper case letter ((ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'z')) or ((ch >= 'A') and (ch <= 'Z')) ('a' <= ch <= 'z') or ('A' <= ch <= 'Z') - y is a leap year (y % 400 == 0) or ((y % 100 != 0) and (y % 4 == 0))