Course Specifications for CS 178H:
Introduction to CS Research

Course Overview

This course is to prepare computer science students for doing an undergraduate honors thesis. See the course syllabus.

Course Requirements and Grading

Prompt attendance at class is required. Attendance will be taken at the very beginning of every class period and a student's attendance record will count 15% of the course grade. Students should participate in class discussion, which will also count 15% of the course grade.


There will be four assignments during the semester. Each will require writing two to three pages of prose discussing and analyzing a particular topic.

Late Submission and Cheating Policies

Written assignments should typewritten and be neat and legible and are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Be sure to hand in assignments on time, late penalties are a loss of a percentage of the original overall points for the assignment: 1 Day: 15%, 2 Days: 40%; 3 Days: 75%; past 3 days: 100%. A day is any 24 hour period and includes all weekend days and holidays.

Read the department's academic policy page. Students who demonstrably violate the Academic Honesty policy will receive a failing grade in the class.

Final Grade

The final grade will be determined as follows:
15%  Attendance
15%  Participation
70%  Assignments