conditional based on if-then-else using eql
Major Section:  PROGRAMMING

Example Form:
(case typ
  ((:character foo)
   (open file-name :direction :output))
  (bar (open-for-bar file-name))
   (my-error "Illegal.")))
is the same as
(cond ((member typ '(:character foo))
       (open file-name :direction :output))
      ((eql typ 'bar)
       (open-for-bar file-name))
      (t (my-error "Illegal.")))
which in turn is the same as
(if (member typ '(:character foo))
    (open file-name :direction :output)
    (if (eql typ 'bar)
        (open-for-bar file-name)
        (my-error "Illegal.")))

General Forms: (case expr (x1 val-1) ... (xk val-k) (otherwise val-k+1))

(case expr (x1 val-1) ... (xk val-k) (t val-k+1))

(case expr (x1 val-1) ... (xk val-k))

where each xi is either eqlablep or a true list of eqlablep objects. The final otherwise or t case is optional.

Case is defined in Common Lisp. See any Common Lisp documentation for more information.