Semantic Grammar: Extended Pattern Matching

In this approach, the pattern-matching that is allowed is restricted to certain semantic categories. A grammar is used to specify the allowable patterns; this allows the restrictions to be specified easily, while allowing more language coverage and easier extension with fewer specified patterns.


< s>  -->  what is < ship-property>  of < ship> ? 
< ship-property>  -->  the < ship-prop>  | < ship-prop>  
< ship-prop>  -->  speed | length | draft | beam 
< ship>  -->  < ship-name>  | the fastest < ship2>  
           | the biggest < ship2>  | < ship2>  
< ship-name>  | Kennedy | Kitty Hawk | Constellation
< ship2>  -->  < countrys>  < ship3>  | < ship3>  
< ship3>  -->  < shiptype>  < loc>  | < shiptype>  
< shiptype>  -->  carrier | submarine | ... 
< countrys>  -->  American | French | British
< loc>  -->  in the Mediterranean | in the Med | ...

"What is the length of the biggest French sub in the Med?"

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