Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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The UT Austin Villa 3D Simulation Soccer Team 2008

The UT Austin Villa 3D Simulation Soccer Team 2008.
Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Yinon Bentor, and Peter Stone.
Technical Report AI09-01, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory, 2009.


[PDF]292.6kB  [postscript]983.9kB  


This paper describes the research focus and ideas incorporated in the UT Austin Villa 3D simulation soccer team that participated in the RoboCup 2008 competitions held in Suzhou, China.

BibTeX Entry

  Author="Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan and Yinon Bentor and Peter Stone",
  Title="{T}he {UT} {A}ustin {V}illa 3{D} {S}imulation {S}occer {T}eam 2008",
  Institution="The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory",
  abstract={This paper describes the research focus and ideas incorporated
	in the UT Austin Villa 3D simulation soccer team that participated
	in the RoboCup 2008 competitions held in Suzhou, China.},

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