
I'm Ruchi Bhalani, a 4th year computer science major currently pursuing a concurrent BS and MS at UT Austin with a concentration in ML/AI. I'm currently working as a Teaching Assistant for Behavioral Ethics in the Digital Age and a Learning Facilitator for Ethics in AI (part of the brand new online MS Data Science program at UT). I spent the past 3 years as a researcher for the Learning Agents Research Group at the AI Lab. Our most recent project was Tail Wagging the Dog: Perceptions of Canine vs. Non-Canine Behavior on a Quadruped Robot, which won the CS Award of Excellence at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Forum. It was published as Influencing Incidental Human-Robot Encounters: Expressive movement improves pedestrians' impressions of a quadruped service robot (2024).

My skills include Java, C, C++, Python, ROS (Robotics Operating System), Digital Ethics, JavaScript, React, SQL, Flask, ML, and Ethical AI. I am currently part of UT's Ethical AI Graduate Portfolio Program.

I spent the summer of 2022 and 2023 working as a Software Development Engineering Intern at Amazon on the AWS Commerce Platform at their headquarters in Seattle, WA. I will be heading back to the same team as a full time SDE starting August 2024.

In my free time, you can find me reading poetry, learning new instruments, attending F1 races, or watching movies!



Feel free to contact me with any questions at ruchi (dot) bhalani (at) utexas (dot) edu!
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