CS378 Computational Intelligence in Game Design II

Fall 2010, ENS31NN, Meeting time TuTh 11-12:30pm, Unique number 52550

Risto Miikkulainen
risto@cs.utexas.edu, (512) 471-9571
Office hrs by appt.

Igor Karpov
ikarpov@cs.utexas.edu, (512) 471-9544
Office hrs: Mon 2-3pm, ENS 31NN.

Adam Dziuk
Office hrs: Tue 2-3pm, ENS 31NN.

This course is a continuation of CS378 Computational Intelligence in Game Design I. Based on the proposal developed in CS378I, the students will carry out an independent research project on the OpenNERO research platform.

The class will be 3 credit hours. The grade is based on the quality of your project, presented as an interactive talk in the class during the semester, and documented in a report at the end of the semester.

More details:
Class Schedule
The NERO website
The NERO development wiki
The UTCS Neural Networks Research Group
Other class resources

Mon Aug 30 22:43:05 CDT 2010