Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 1 Enter a partial name: sam There are 10 matches for sam. The matches with their highest ranking decade are: Isamar 1990 Rosamond 1910 Sam 1900 Samantha 1990 Samara 2000 Samir 2000 Sammie 1930 Sammy 1940 Samson 2000 Samuel 2000 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 1 Enter a partial name: ISA There are 27 matches for ISA. The matches with their highest ranking decade are: Alisa 1960 Brisa 2000 Carisa 1970 Delisa 1960 Elisa 1970 Elisabeth 1980 Eloisa 1920 Isaac 2000 Isabel 2000 Isabela 2000 Isabell 1910 Isabella 2000 Isabelle 2000 Isadore 1900 Isai 1990 Isaiah 2000 Isaias 2000 Isamar 1990 Jalisa 1990 Leisa 1960 Lisa 1960 Louisa 1900 Luisa 1930 Marisa 1990 Melisa 1970 Mellisa 1970 Misael 2000 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Jake Jake: 262 312 323 479 484 630 751 453 225 117 97 1900: 262 1910: 312 1920: 323 1930: 479 1940: 484 1950: 630 1960: 751 1970: 453 1980: 225 1990: 117 2000: 97 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Olivia Olivia: 315 311 290 307 270 355 504 324 193 47 16 1900: 315 1910: 311 1920: 290 1930: 307 1940: 270 1950: 355 1960: 504 1970: 324 1980: 193 1990: 47 2000: 16 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Neo Neo does not appear in any decade. Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Great Great does not appear in any decade. Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 3 879 names appear in exactly one decade. The names are: Abagail Abdul Abigale Abigayle Abril Adelard Aden Adriel Afton *** Output trimmed Your program should display all the names. Zoie Zoila Zulma Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 4 554 names appear in every decade. The names are: Aaron Abel Abraham Adam Adolfo Adrian *** Output trimmed Your program should display all the names. Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 5 2 names are more popular in every decade. Eduardo Luis Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Luis Luis: 245 203 154 118 111 108 94 68 60 46 45 1900: 245 1910: 203 1920: 154 1930: 118 1940: 111 1950: 108 1960: 94 1970: 68 1980: 60 1990: 46 2000: 45 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 6 27 names are less popular in every decade. Albert Alice Alma Arthur Ben Carl Cecil Clarence Claude Clyde Ernest Eunice Everett Frank Gladys Harry Harvey Herman Hugh Irma Lester Louis Marie Morris Otis Rosa Theodore Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Otis Otis: 147 153 171 193 215 272 337 462 611 836 0 1900: 147 1910: 153 1920: 171 1930: 193 1940: 215 1950: 272 1960: 337 1970: 462 1980: 611 1990: 836 2000: 0 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Frank Frank: 8 9 12 16 21 34 44 65 91 152 209 1900: 8 1910: 9 1920: 12 1930: 16 1940: 21 1950: 34 1960: 44 1970: 65 1980: 91 1990: 152 2000: 209 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 2 Enter a name: Rosa Rosa: 88 98 102 114 116 141 168 175 210 247 311 1900: 88 1910: 98 1920: 102 1930: 114 1940: 116 1950: 141 1960: 168 1970: 175 1980: 210 1990: 247 2000: 311 Options: Enter 1 to search for names. Enter 2 to display data for one name. Enter 3 to all names that appear in only one decade. Enter 4 to all names that appear in all decades. Enter 5 to all names that are more popular in every decade. Enter 6 to all names that are less popular in every decade. Enter 7 to Enter 8 to quit. Enter choice: 8 Goodbye.