CS320n - Assignment 8

You can complete this assignment with one other person. Include a label on the front panel and block diagram indicating who worked on the program.

Create a LabVIEW program that implements a guessing game.

Your front panel should look something like this (with you name instead of mine.):


  1. The user must enter their guess before the program is running. You do not have to include the capability to allow the user to enter the guess while the program is running. To change the on color of a button, right click on it, select properties, and pick the on color. The off color should remain black

  2. You will have to do comparison. The comparison operators are on the Comparison Palette.

    realize that order of inputs matters on the comparison operators.

  3. You can use the Express operations (formulas, comparisons) if you want.

  4. Refer to the class slides from LabView Foundations (starting on slide number 36), for how to generate a random number in a given range.

Turn in your LabVIEW program using the Turnin program.. The name of your world shall be your UTEID followed by a dash and a8. For example, my UTEID is scottmd3 so my world would be named scottmd3-a8.vi. Turn the file in via the turnin program no later than 8pm, April 24.