CS320n - Assignment 9

You can complete this assignment with one other person. Include a label on the front panel and block diagram indicating who worked on the program.

Complete a LabVIEW program that simulates rolling a pair of 6 sided dice, multiple times.

Here is the complete problem statement:

Build a VI that simulates the roll of two dice (possible values 1-6 per die, possible values for the pair of dice 2 thorugh12)  and keeps track of the number of times the values 2 through 12 are rolled. Your input is the number of times to roll the dice, and the outputs include (for each possible result 2 through 12) the number of times that values was rolled.


Turn in your LabVIEW program using the Turnin program.. The name of your world shall be your UTEID followed by a dash and a9. For example, my UTEID is scottmd3 so my world would be named scottmd3-a9.vi. Turn the file in via the Turnin program no later than 11 pm, April 28. If you work with a partner you only need to turn in one file, but be sure both of your names are on the front panel!