CS388P: Parallel Algorithms, Fall 2013

Professor. Vijaya Ramachandran (vlr"at"cs), GDC 4.430, 471-9554.

DAILY SCHEDULE, Updated October 18

This preliminary schedule will be updated during the course of the semester.

Wed, Aug 28 . Introduction: work-time optimality, prefix sums
Mon, Sep 2 . Labor Day, no class
Wed, Sep 4 . PRAM model; search; merge; mergesort; PRAM simulations
Mon, Sep 9 . Network models; hypercube; routing; BSP
Wed, Sep 11 . Cache-efficient and multicore algorithms
Mon, Sep 16 . List ranking
Wed, Sep 18 HW1 out STUDENTS I
Mon, Sep 23 . Bitonic sort (Matteo Pontecorvi)
Wed, Sep 25 . Merge lower bound (Matteo Pontecorvi)
Mon, Sep 30 . Work-optimal list ranking; Euler tour on trees
Wed, Oct 2 HW1 in Graph connected components
Mon, Oct 7 . Range minima; pipelining
Wed, Oct 9 . Ear decomposition
Thurs, Oct 10 5-7 pm TEST 1
Mon, Oct 14 . CREW lower bound for OR
Wed, Oct 16 . NC, transitive closure bottleneck, RNC
Mon, Oct 21 . RNC; polynomial identities; perfect matching
Wed, Oct 23 . Isolation lemma; maximum matching
Mon, Oct 28 HW2 out STUDENTS II / III
Wed, Oct 30 . Randomized routing on hypercube
Mon, Nov 4 . EREW PRAM on BSP
Wed, Nov 6 . Scheduling on multicores; distributed and shared caches
Mon, Nov 11 HW2 in Online algorithms and caching
Wed, Nov 13 . Class Discussion
Thur, Nov 14 5-7 pm TEST 2
Mon, Nov 18 . Boolean circuits; ACk, ACk, space-bounded TM; uniformity
Wed, Nov 20 HW3 out STUDENTS IV
Mon, Nov 25 . L in CREW1; depth and space; parallel comp thesis
Mon, Dec 2 HW3 in P-completeness
Wed, Dec 4 . CRCWk and ACk; wrap-up
Thur, Dec 5 ** 4-6 pm ** TEST 3