CS357H: Algorithms (Honors), Spring 2012


Professor. Vijaya Ramachandran (vlr"at"cs), ACES 3.432, 471-9554.

This is a tentative daily schedule, and the exact topics for each class may change during the course of the semester.


Wed, Jan 18 . Divide & Conquer: Mergesort, Strassen Ch 1, 2, 4.2
Mon, Jan 23 HW1 out Asymptotic analysis; recurrences; summations Ch 2, 3, 4.3, 4.4, Appendix A
Wed, Jan 25 . Master theorem for recurrences; closest pair Ch 4.5,4.6, 33.4
Mon, Jan 30 HW1 due Tuesday Dynamic programming: LCS Ch 15.3, 15.4
Wed, Feb 1 . Matrix chain multiplication; graphs Ch 15, Appendix B.4, B.5
Mon, Feb 6 Mini-test 1; HW2 out Bellman-Ford SSSP Ch 22.1, 24.1
Wed, Feb 8 . All pairs shortest paths Ch 25
Mon, Feb 13 HW2 due Tuesday Greedy algorithms: Activity selection; fractional knapsack Ch 16
Wed, Feb 15 . Minimum spanning tree; Kruskal's algorithm Ch 23.1, 23.2
Mon, Feb 20 HW3 out Prim's algorithm (DJP); Dijkstra's SSSP algorithm Ch 23.2, 24.3
Wed, Feb 22 Mini-test 2 Graph searching; topological sort; integer sort Ch 22; 8.2, 8.3
Mon, Feb 27 . Data structures: binary heap; balanced search trees Ch 6, 12, 13, 14, 18
Wed, Feb 29 HW3 due Thursday Amortized analysis: Table expansion and contraction Ch 17
Mon, Mar 5 . Disjoint Sets; Kruskal re-visited Ch 21.1-21.3
Wed, Mar 7,
3:30 - 5:30
UTC 4.124 TEST 1 UTC 4.124
Mar 12-16 No class Spring Break .
Mon, Mar 19 HW4 out Randomized algorithms; basic probability; hashing Ch 5; Appendix C.1-C.4; 11.2
Wed, Mar 21 . Universal hashing; perfect hashing Ch 11.3, 11.5
Mon, Mar 26 . Quicksort; Randomized Partition; randomized selection Ch 7.1, 7.2, 9.2
Wed, Mar 28 HW4 due Thursday Randomized Quicksort; lower bound for sorting Ch 7, 8.1
Mon, Apr 2 Mini-test 3; HW5 out Maximum flow Ch 26.1, 26.2
Wed, Apr 4 . Maximum flow; bipartite matching Ch 26.2, 26.3
Mon, Apr 9 . Linear programming and applications Ch 29 introduction; 29.2
Wed, Apr 11 HW5 due Thursday P, NP; polynomial time reductions Ch 34.1-34.3
Mon, Apr 16 . NP-completeness Ch 34.3-34.5
Wed, Apr 18,
UTC 4.124 TEST 2 UTC 4.124
Mon, Apr 23 HW6 out Approximation algorithms Ch 35.4
Wed, Apr 25 Mini-test 4 Approximation algorithms Ch 35.4
Mon, Apr 30 . Selected Topics .
Wed, May 2 HW6 due Thursday Wrap-up .