Jiawei Li 李佳蔚

GDC 4.424C
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78705

Email: davidlee 'at' cs 'dot' utexas 'dot' edu


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I am a third year CS Ph.D. student at UT Austin, advised by Prof. Scott Aaronson. I'm interested in computational complexity. TFNP is my favorite class. I'm also interested in quantum query / communication complexity.

I got my Bachelor's degree from Peking University, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaotie Deng.

Publications & Preprints

  1. The Complexity of Proving Resolution Lower Bounds
    Jiawei Li, Yuhao Li, Hanlin Ren
    Working Paper.
  2. On Pigeonhole Principles and Ramsey in TFNP
    Siddhartha Jain, Jiawei Li, Robert Robere, Zhiyang Xun
    Preprint. [arXiv]
  3. Total NP Search Problems with Abundant Solutions
    Jiawei Li
    ITCS 2024. **An Important Note**
  4. Pandora Box Problem with Nonobligatory Inspection: Hardness and Approximation Scheme
    Hu Fu, Jiawei Li, Daogao Liu
    STOC 2023. [arXiv]
  5. Consensus Division in an Arbitrary Ratio
    Paul W. Goldberg, Jiawei Li
    ITCS 2023. [arXiv]
  6. The Query Complexity of Local Search and Brouwer in Rounds
    Simina Brânzei, Jiawei Li
    COLT 2022. [arXiv]
  7. On the Approximation of Nash Equilibria in Sparse Win-Lose Multi-player Games
    Zhengyang Liu, Jiawei Li, Xiaotie Deng
    AAAI 2021.



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Hobbies: Ballroom Dance, Ultimate Frisbee, and Competitive Programming.