An image of post it notes.

The second round of midterms are almost upon us and everything seems to be getting harder and harder. More homework, more projects, more obligations, it just keeps snowballing. It's barely two months in and I'm having to research classes for next semester and sign a lease on an apartment, and I barely know what a lease is. Just for reference, my color coded calendar, which I made at the beginning of the semester to be more efficient and productive, looks like a rainbow threw up on it.

And I'll admit, a lot of it is my fault. Most of the things I've committed myself to are extracurricular activities. Not to say that you shouldn't do a lot of extracurriculars,  it's just that at the moment I am drowning in them.

I believe most of my problems can be attributed to the fear of missing out, fondly acronymed FOMO, and I think a lot of other people can relate to this too. UT is the hub of opportunities, and I'd hate to think that I wasn't taking advantage of everything I possibly could.

But there comes the trouble. Taking advantage of everything I possibly could is definitely not sustainable, at least not for me. 

So to combat this, I figured I need to develop the extremely valuable skill of prioritization. First of all, I need to stop trying to do everything and focus on the things I care about most. I need to create a firm, short term to-do list, and after I have that under control, look at a long term one, but always remember to not get ahead of myself.

When you're overwhelmed, the only way to endure is to take baby steps. Just put one foot in front of the other, and you can get through whatever you have to do. I believe in you!

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