01/20/2022 - The Association for Computing Machinery, the primary professional organization in the field of computer science, has named Brent Waters as an ACM Fellow. The award goes only to highly distinguished computer scientists representing the top 1% of ACM members.  Read more
11/14/2011 - Assistant Professor Brent Waters has won a Packard Fellowship. Only sixteen Packard Fellowships were awarded this year across all of science and engineering. Read more
10/16/2009 - As information such as passwords and account numbers moves from computer to computer across the Internet, it is encrypted—jumbled into a non-comprehensible form. Encryption occurs when two parties—your personal computer and Amazon.com, for example—connect and exchange a “key.” Your browser then encrypts the information you want to send (like a credit card number), it flows in a jumble to Amazon, and then Amazon decrypts it based on the key that the two computers exchanged. Read more
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