Graphics & AI
Director: Qixing Huang
Our research interests are at the intersections of Graphics and various fields in AI, including Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning.
Qixing Huang Faculty huangqx [at] cs utexas edu
Xiangru Huang Ph.D. Student xrhuang [at] cs utexas edu
Arjun Karpur Undergraduate Student arjun karpur [at] gmail com
Zhenxiao Liang Ph.D. Student liangzx14 [at] mails tsinghua edu cn
Yifan Sun Ph.D. Student yifansun12 [at] gmail com
Zhenpei Yang Ph.D. Student yzp [at] utexas edu
Zaiwei Zhang Ph.D. Student zaiweizhang [at] utexas edu
Xingyi Zhou Ph.D. Student zhouxy2017 [at] gmail com