A Unified Approach to Verification and Validation of Software Systems

CS378 – Fall 2006

Unique Number - 56494


J.C Browne



  1. Course Description

      C:\Documents and Settings\James Browne\My Documents\Classes\UVV-Fall2006\VandVCourseS2006.pdf

  1. Overview Presentation


  1. Frequently Asked Questions

a.      Why is a unified approach to verification and validation important? FAQ\ImportanceOfUVV.pdf

b.     Why is a course on unification of verification and validation important? FAQ\WhyACourseOnUVV.pdf

c.      Why take this class? FAQ\WhyTakeThisClass.pdf

d.     What is the work for the class and how will grades be computed? FAQ\WorkAndGrades.pdf

e.      What are the prerequisites and how important are they? FAQ\Prerequisites.pdf

f.       What is required for the class project? FAQ\ProjectSpecifications.pdf

g.      What are the steps in a methodology for designing for verifiability? FAQ\DesignMethodology.pdf

h.      What software will be used in the course? FAQ\RepresentationsAndTools.pdf

  1. Lecture Notes
  2. References