UTCS Logo Computer Graphics Laboratory
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Sciences

[Directions to our lab]

Research Projects

Most of the computer graphics research in the UT Austin CS department is conducted by two major sub-groups, each with its own web page:

We also collaborate with the Texas Advanced Computer Center's visualization group.


Four computer sciences faculty have their primary research interest in computer graphics and visualization:

Research Facilities

The graphics laboratory is located on the ground floor of the ACES building, in room 2.102. Facilities include: Our current facilities are primarily funded by industry sponsors, including Microsoft, Intel, NVIDIA, and AMD.

The graphics lab facilities were originally funded by an NSF CISE research infrastructure grant titled "System Support for a Hierarchy of Distributed Applications" active 1996-2001.

Last update: 26-Aug-2011 by Don Fussell.