FMCAD 2014
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
Lausanne, Switzerland
October 21-24, 2014

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Organizing Committee

General and Program Chairs
Chalmers, Sweden
EPFL, Switzerland
Publication Chair
EPFL, Jasper DA, and CNRS/Verimag
Student Forum Chair
Yale University
Publicity Chair
IBM Research Lab, Zurich
The University of Texas at Austin

Program Committee

University of Passau
Johannes Kepler University
Microsoft Research
Politecnico di Torino
Hana Chockler
King's College
Koen Claessen (Chair)
Chalmers University of Technology
SRI International
University of Oxford
Aalto University
University of British Columbia
University of Texas
Strategic CAD Lab, Intel
Computer Science Department, University of Oxford
Viktor Kuncak (Chair)
Northeastern University
Microsoft Research
TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble
Galois, Inc.
Yale University
IBM Research Lab, Zurich
Intel Corporation
Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
Microsoft Research Cambridge
Julien Schmaltz
Eindhoven University of Technology
Universita' della Svizzera Italiana
Anna Slobodova
Centaur Technology
Niklas Sorensson
Chalmers University of Technology
Daryl Stewart
The University of Iowa
ETH Zurich
Northeastern University
Vienna University of Technology

Steering Committee

Jason Baumgartner
Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria
University of British Columbia, Canada
The University of Texas at Austin, USA

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