Mobios v0.91

Package mobios.index

Interface Summary
Index The primary interface for distance-based index.
Query Base interface for queries, consisting of all the information necessary to search the database.

Class Summary
AbstractIndex The primary interface for a distance-based index.
Cursor Implements an Iterator, iterating on the results set.
InternalNode The interface for all internal nodes.
KNNQuery This class contains implmentation for K nearest neighbor search (KNN) and approximate K nearest neighbor search (AKNN) queries.
RangeQuery A range query.
VPIndex A Vantage Point Tree (VPT) index.
VPKNNCursor Implements an Cursor, for KNN search in vp tree
VPLeafNode A VPLeafNode is a LeafNode in a VPIndex.
VPRangeCursor Implements an Cursor, for range search in vp tree

Mobios v0.91

(C) 2002 - 2006 The MoBIoS Group