To ACL2 users: We are happy to announce ACL2 Version 2.9.1. This is an ``incremental release'', meaning that we have tested it thoroughly on four lisps (GCL, Allegro, CMUCL, CLISP) but only on Linux platforms. The web pages are unchanged except for tarballs with links you will see by following the "Recent changes to this page" link from the ACL2 home page; or go directly to When you follow the links you will find a brief summary of the numerous improvements in this release. Included in those improvements is a fix to a soundness bug (one which is very unlikely to have been exploited, except in a deliberate way by us, but is a soundness bug nonetheless). The workshops tarball now includes all contributions from the 2004 ACL2 workshop. Our intention is that users feel free to ignore incremental releases. Specifically, we are happy to continue to take bug reports on ACL2 Version 2.9 as well as on subsequent incremental releases. We expect to make incremental releases with considerably greater frequency than ordinary releases. Matt and J