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Integer Arithmetic Instructions

These instructions operate on registers or memory. S,D represent source and destination.[for ldiv, D must be %eax, and cdq must be used before the divide to sign-extend %eax into %edx, which of course changes %edx.] Usually, S is the rhs and D is the lhs.

addl S,D D + S → D
subl S,D D - S → D
imull S,D D * S → D
ldiv S,D D / S → D
cmpl S,D compare D - S , set condition
andl S,D D ∧ S → D
orl S,D D ∨ S → D
notl D ¬ D → D
negl D - D → D

Note that arithmetic can be done directly on memory:
i := i + 1 can be one instruction:

   addl $1,-32(%rbp)