Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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Role-Based Ad Hoc Teamwork

Katie Genter, Noa Agmon, and Peter Stone. Role-Based Ad Hoc Teamwork. In Proceedings of the Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition Workshop at the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PAIR-11), August 2011.


[PDF]241.7kB  [postscript]609.1kB  


An ad hoc team setting is one in which teammates must work together to obtain a common goal, but without any prior agreement regarding how to work together. In this paper we present a \em role-based approach for ad hoc teamwork, in which each teammate is inferred to be following a specialized role that accomplishes a specific task or exhibits a particular behavior. In such cases, the role an ad hoc agent should select depends both on its own capabilities and on the roles currently selected by the other team members. We formally define methods for evaluating the influence of the ad hoc agent's role selection on the team's utility, leading to an efficient calculation of the role that yields maximal team utility. In simple teamwork settings, we demonstrate that the optimal role assignment can be easily determined. However, in complex environments, where it is not trivial to determine the optimal role assignment, we examine empirically the best suited method for role assignment. Finally, we show that the methods we describe have a predictive nature. As such, once an appropriate assignment method is determined for a domain, it can be used successfully in new tasks that the team has not encountered before and for which only limited prior experience is available.

BibTeX Entry

  author = {Katie Genter and Noa Agmon and Peter Stone},
  title = {Role-Based Ad Hoc Teamwork},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition Workshop at the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PAIR-11)},
  location = {San Francisco, CA},
  month = {August},
  year = {2011},
  abstract = {An ad hoc team setting is one in which teammates must work together to obtain a common goal, but without any prior agreement regarding how to work together.  In this paper we present a {\em role-based approach} for ad hoc teamwork, in which each teammate is inferred to be following a specialized role that accomplishes a specific task or exhibits a particular behavior. In such cases, the role an ad hoc agent should select depends both on its own capabilities and on the roles currently selected by the other team members. We formally define methods for evaluating the influence of the ad hoc agent's role selection on the team's utility, leading to an efficient calculation of the role that yields maximal team utility. In simple teamwork settings, we demonstrate that the optimal role assignment can be easily determined. However, in complex environments, where it is not trivial to determine the optimal role assignment, we examine empirically the best suited method for role assignment. Finally, we show that the methods we describe have a predictive nature.  As such, once an appropriate assignment method is determined for a domain, it can be used successfully in new tasks that the team has not encountered before and for which only limited prior experience is available.},

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