CS343 Questions

Before each online class meeting, the students will turn in one intelligent question about the reading for that class. That is, you could ask for a clarification about a detail that may remain unclear, or about a motivation or reasoning behind an algorithmic choice or application. Instead of a question, it is also fine to propose a possible extension or opportunity of the techniques or applications in the reading. You could present a counterexample or a difficult use case where you think the current approach would be challenged. The point is to think about the content of the reading and go slightly deeper in understanding it than simply memorizing it.

The question assignments are intended to (1) encourage the students to keep up with the reading; (2) encourage them to think about what they read more deeply, and (3) facilitate discussion in the online class meetings.

The questions are graded pass/fail; those demonstrate understanding are passes; trivial comments that have little to do with the content are not.

Sun Aug 30 22:02:15 CDT 2020