Massively Parallel Computation for Acoustical Scattering Problems using Boundary Element Methods

Po Geng
Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712
J. Tinsley Oden
Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712
Robert A. van de Geijn
Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712


This paper is concerned with the parallel implementation of the boundary element method and its application to exterior acoustical scattering problem. The numerical implementation is based on a Galerkin-type formulation of a Burton-Miller integral equation proposed in []. This scheme can avoid sensitive properties of hypersingular integration, simplify the numerical implementation, and improve the quality of the numerical solutions, especially in the range of high frequencies. An a posteriori error estimate proposed in [] is implemented. In essence, a complete parallel implementation of the boundary element method, including the parallel formation of the linear system, a parallel dense solver, and a parallel algorithm for postprocessing (error estimation), are presented in this paper.

Po Geng, J. Tinsley Oden, Robert van de Geijn, ``Massively Parallel Computation for Acoustical Scattering Problems using Boundary Element Methods,'' Journal of Sound and Vibration, to appear. Texas Institute of Computational And Applied Mathematics, TICAM Report 94-10, Aug. 1994.