

Austin Villa YouTube Channel

Qualifying video for RoboCup 2007
Here is our qualifying video for RoboCup 2007: (26 MB AVI)

A Night Out
An artistic video made by our own Nate Kohl. It won 2nd prize in the Festival of Kinetoscopic Wonderment, a short film festival put on by the Computer Sciences department for the whole UT community.
(185 MB AVI) (46 MB QuickTime)

Qualifying video for RoboCup 2003
Our first attempts at robot soccer! Here are some of our robots trying to score. Note that this was developed from scratch over the course of about 10 weeks!
(26 MB MPEG)

Intro video from American Open 2003
Here's the Austin Villa legged leage group figuring out how to use their new video camera.
(18 MB MPEG)

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