General Instructions for Submitting CS361 Assignments

Each assignment is graded on a 10 point scale. For some assignments, it may be possible to get extra credit points. That information is clearly indicated in the assignment description. If you get more than 100% on assignments, the extra points will offset other parts of your class grade.

You will be submitting your code electronically using Canvas. The TAs will set up assignments there. All programs must be able to be run on the UT Linux machines, so if you develop on Windows, make sure it runs on Linux.

In general, we will specify both the names of your Java files, README files, and the file in which you zip it all together. The TAs have many programs to grade and want to do as much of the grading as automatically as possible. Therefore, it is very important that you follow the submission instructions carefully. That means both the general instructions in this file and the specific instructions associated with each assignment.

For most assignments, you will be permitted to work with one other student. If you're working with a partner, ONLY one of you needs to submit the zip file using his/her account. However, make sure that both members of your team understand the code and contribute equally, as much as possible, to its development. If anyone gets a free ride, they'll be disadvantaged later.

There very likely will be 5 programming assignments over the course of the summer session. For each, you will submit a zip file, the name of which must be Here uteid should be replaced by your UT EID and k should be the program number [1..5]. Your zip file should contain both the Java files comprising your program and a README.txt file (be sure to use that exact name). If you have a partner, provide both EIDs in the name, e.g., Again, only one of you needs to submit. These will be collected and processed by a script, so it is very important that you follow these instructions.

If an assignment has an extra credit component, submit it as a separate zip file using the naming scheme or

README.txt file

Your zip file should contain both the Java files comprising your program and a README.txt file (be sure to use that exact name). The README.txt file contains your identifying information, a description of your program, and some test data and results. There's detailed instructions below. Two of the possible 10 points for your program are based solely on the README.txt file. Even if your program does not run, you can still get 2 points for a reasonable README.txt file. A sample README.txt file is here: README.txt.

The first 5 lines of your README.txt file should contain your identifying information in the following format (assuming Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt are partnered on this project):

UTEID: jd1234; bp5678; 
FIRSTNAME: Johnny; Brad; 
LASTNAME: Depp; Pitt;
CSACCOUNT: johnyd; bradp;
Please follow this format exactly, including keywords in all caps, the colons and semicolons.

Following the 5 lines above, include a good description of your program including information on what it does and how to run it. Be sure to include other information specifically requested in the assignment. For example, if the assignment asks for timing or throughput information, include that at this point in your README.txt file.

Indicate whether you implemented all of the assignment requirements. If you did not, explain what parts you did not implement and explain why (ran out of time, had some bugs, etc.)

At the end of the README.txt file, include some test cases and the output of running your code on your test cases.

Grading Your Code

Typically, you can receive a maximum of 8 points for your program code
  1. Does your program compile on the CS Linux machines? (2 points)
  2. Does the program run without crashing? (2 points)
  3. Does the program run correctly? (up to 4 additional points, depending on our tests)
Of course, to get any points it must appear to us that you've actually done the assignment. That is, you won't get compile and run points for turning in a HelloWorld program.