-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 356 Spring 2018 Midterm 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (5 points) List three main differences between the exchanged messages in the RIP protocol and the exchanged messages in the OSPF protocol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. (5 points) Consider a multicast network (N, E) that has k mg-nodes which belong to the same multicast group mg. Periodically, an mg-node generates a message m that needs to be multicasted (using the multicast tree protocol) to every mg-node in the network. Execution of the multicast tree protocol causes several copies of message m to be generated and sent within network (N, E). How many copies of message m are generated and sent within network (N, E)? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. (5 points) A route advertisement sent in the external BGP protocol to an IP prefix pf is as follows: (pf, AS-path, next-hop z) Assume that the AS-path in this advertisement is (AS5, AS12, AS3, AS15). Also assume that this advertisement is sent from a gateway B in AS15 to a gateway A in AS12. Explain why gateway A ignores this route advertisement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. (5 points) Consider a Switched Ethernet that connects 5 hosts using one switch S with 5 interfaces. The hosts have unique MAC addresses M1, .., M5 and the interfaces are named I1, .., I5. Write the switching table of S after S receives and forwards the following five frames: 1. S receives a frame (src=M1, dst=M2 ..) from I2 and forwards it. 2. S receives a frame (src=M2, dst=M3 ..) from I3 and forwards it. 3. S receives a frame (src=M3, dst=M4 ..) from I4 and forwards it. 4. S receives a frame (src=M4, dst=M5 ..) from I5 and forwards it. 5. S receives a frame (src=M5, dst=M1 ..) from I1 and forwards it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solutions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The main differences between the exchanged msgs in RIP and those in OSPF are as follows: First, a msg in RIP is egenrated by a RIP router every 30 seconds, while a msg in OSPF is generated by an OSPF router every 30 minutes. Second, each msg that is generated by a router R in RIP is sent to every neighbor of R, while each msg that is generated by a router R in OSPF is sent to every router in the AS where R resides. Third, each msg that is generated by a router R in RIP has a copy of the current routing table of R, while each msg that is generated by a router R in OSPF has a copy of the local state of R. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The number of mg-nodes in network (N, E) is k. Therefore, execution of the multicast tree protocol causes (k-1) copies of a broadcast msg m to be generated and sent within network (N, E). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. If gatewat A accepts this route advertisment to the IP prefix pf, then the AS route from A to pf will contain a cycle (AS12, AS3, AS15) which is not acceptable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. After receiving the above five frames, the switching table of S becomes as follows. ----------------- | M1 | I2 | TTL | ----------------- | M2 | I3 | TTL | ----------------- | M3 | I4 | TTL | ----------------- | M4 | I5 | TTL | ----------------- | M5 | I1 | TTL | -----------------