------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 386 S Spring 2008 quiz 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Simplify the "fore" and "back" messages in the 1981 David Chaum's Anonymous Communication Protocol according to the following assumptions: 1. The sender, say p.i, and receiver, say p.j, of every sent message know one another and they share a session key sk.i.j. (Hint: Note that sk.i.j = sk.j.i.) 2. Each process know a reasonably small number of processes with whom it communicates. 3. The sender and receiver of a message use process mix, that has a public key B, in order defend against an adversary that observes all the traffic in the network and tries to get the following information: Who is sending messages to whom?, what are the contents of the exchanged messages?, and what are the lengths of the exchanged messages?. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Name: Student ID: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: The fore and back msgs, from p.i to p.j, have the same following format: B,q.j> where msg is either an original msg or a reply to an earlier msg from p.j to p.i