------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mohamed G. Gouda Solutions to Midterm 3 CS 395T: Network Protocol Security Fall 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "rp.i implies mp.j" iff (S.1 is-subset T.1 ^ ... ^ S.d is-subset T.d) "no packet satisfies both rp.i and mp.j" iff (There is k, 1 =< k =< d, S.k intersection T.k is empty) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Assume the voting sever gets a copy of a message m that is sent from some voter particular v to the mix server in the first version of the protocol. The voting server knows all the submitted pairs (nonce n, myvote), and it knows B.mix and B.voting. Thus the voting server can try all possibilities to find out the pair (nonce n, myvote) such that B.mix> = m In this case, the voting server knows the myvote of voter v. This scenario does not work in the second protocol since number of all possible values of rand is very large. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. voter v--> mix : B.mix>> mix --> voting : B.voting> voting --> mix' : B.mix'>, B.mix' mix' --> voter v: rand'> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------