---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda CS 356 Spring 2014 Course Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The course covers the problems and issues that arise in designing computer networks and network protocols. The Internet is used as a running case study throughout the course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textbook: M. G. Gouda, Elements of Network Protocol Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1998. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade: Three Homeworks are worth 10 points each. Three Midterms are worth 20 points each. Quizzes are worth 10 points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homework and Midterms: Homework will be handed out in class on Feb. 25, March 25, April 22 Homework will be collected in class on March 4, April 1, April 29 Midterms will be held in class on March 6, April 3, May 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructor: Name: Mohamed G. Gouda (gouda@cs.utexas.edu) Office: GDC 6.824 Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm Office Phone: 512 - 471 - 9532 Cell Phone: 512 - 554 - 2465 (10 am - 9 pm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teaching Assistant and Proctor TA Name: Muqeet Ali (muqeet@cs.utexas.edu) Office: TA station Desk # 4 Office Hours: Monday: 12:00 - 1:00 pm and Friday: 11:00 - 12:00 noon Proctor Name: Eric Nguyen (ericweb2@cs.utexas.edu Office: TA station Desk # 1 Office Hours: Wednesday 5 - 6 pm and Thursday 5 - 6 pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Schedule: 1 Internet 6 Transmission Errors 2 Internet Protocol IP 7 Timeouts 3 Abstract Protocol(AP)Examples 8 Half-Duplex Connections 4 Data, Actions, Execution in AP 9 Full-duplex Connections 5 Extensions of AP 10 Connections in TCP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Error Detection 15 Error Recovery 12 Error Detection in IP 16 Error Recovery in TCP 13 Error Detection in UDP 17 Flow Control 14 Error Detection in TCP 18 Flow Control in TCP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Local Topology Maintenance 23 Routing 20 Global Topology Maintenance 24 Routing in Internet 21 Topology Maintenance in ARP 25 Switching 22 Perfect Channel Abstraction 26 Switching in Internet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------