------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mohamed G. Gouda Midterm 1 CS 395T: Network Protocol Security Fall 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open Book 75 Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. (10 points) The "Key Grids" paper describes a family of log n protocols for assigning symmetric keys to the n processes in a network so that any two processes can communicate securely using their assigned keys. Design a simple algorithm for choosing one protocol from this family to assign symmetric keys to the processes in a given network. The inputs to this algorithm are n and r, where n is the number of processes in the given network, and r is the maximum number of keys that can be assigned to each process in the given network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. (10 points) Consider a star network that consists of one center process p and eight satellite processes q[0..7], and assume that the processes in this network are assigned symmetric keys based on our logarithmic keying scheme. Each message in this network is sent from p to all the satellite processes q[0..7] such that the message text is sent in the clear but the identities of the intended destinations of the message are kept hidden from the other satellite processes. In other words, when a satellite process q[i] receives a message sent by p, then q[i] can check whether or not q[i] is an intended destination of the message, but it cannot check whether any other satellite process q[j] is an intended destination of the message. (If q[i] checks that it is an intended destination of the message, then q[i] stores a copy of the message. Otherwise, q[i] discards the received message.) Describe how can process p sends a message m whose intended destinations are the satellite processes q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], and q[4] in this network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------