SAT Solving and Theorem Proving CS 395T

A Graduate Course at The University of Texas at Austin

Course Information

Location: GDC 6.516
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Unique Number: 51086
Google Group:
Instructors: Marijn J.H. Heule and Warren A. Hunt, Jr.
Offices: GDC 7.714 (Heule) GDC 7.818 (Hunt), GDC South building
Office Hours: TBA
Email: {marijn, hunt} at cs dot utexas dot edu
Teaching Assistant: TBD
TA Office: TBD
TA Hours: TBA
Also available by request.
TA Email: CSuserid at cs dot utexas dot edu
Reserved study room:
Reserved room times:

Our course will investigate the use satisfiability and theorem-proving techniques to analyze formal models of computing systems. We will use mathematical methods to determine whether hardware circuits and software programs conform to their specifications. We will learn how to write formal specifications, how to capture mathematical models of hardware and software, and how to use decision procedures and theorem provers to verify that hardware and software models meet their specifications. Our course will convey many practical and research problems to the interested students. Our course assumes no particular background, but does expect students to understand propositional logic, recursion, induction, and some mathematical analysis.

This course will help participating students to analyze models of their designs and programs. The techniques presented will provide participants the ability to make automated determinations of reachability and termination; these determinations may demonstrate program properties (e.g., that no dead-end state can be reached or whether a program will terminate). There are many industrial uses for these techniques and tools. For example, these tools are used for commercial hardware and software verification; AMD, Centaur Technology, IBM, Intel, Oracle, and many other companies use these techniques. Academia is making use of the techniques; for example, various open combinatorial problems have been solved using the techniques we will be presented.

The mathematics presented in this course will be useful to students for the foreseeable future. The mathematical foundations presented we be useful in most, if not all, other computing-science courses. The successful student will be better able to tackle material problems where modeling is needed and where validation is required.

A series of increasingly difficult problems will be assigned. Some of these problems will be discussed in class. Class participation is expected, and student grades will, in part, reflect each student's contributions. Not showing up for class is a sure way to have a student's class-participation grade lowered. There will be a final exam (given in November) and several in-class quizzes. Each student will work on a project proposed by the student. Students will present their projects in class at the end of the semester.

Each student will propose a project topic on which to work prior to October 9. In the later part of the course, the demands from homework assignements will be reduced with students spending more of their time on their projects.

There will be two exams given. Homework will (generally) be assigned each week, and due nine days later (with some exceptions). The weighting of the grades for the various aspects of the course are: in-class exams - 30% (15% for the first exam and 15% for the last exam), homework - 30%, class project - 30%, and class participation 10%. The lowest homework grade will be dropped in the computation of the final homework grade. Homework will not be accepted late. Projects must be submitted by the last day of our class (May 8th). The examinations must be taken at the scheduled time.


Date Topic Reading Homework Slides
August 27
Introduction to Satisfiability Homework 1 assigned Slides (tentative)
September 1
Applications of Satisfiability Homework 2 assigned Slides (tentative)
September 3
Encoding Problems into SAT Homework 1 due Slides (tentative)
September 8
Local Search Techniques Homework 3 assigned Slides (tentative)
September 10
Lookahead Techniques Slides (tentative)
September 15
Conflict-Driven Clause Learning 1 Homework 2 due Slides (tentative)
September 17
Conflict-Driven Clause Learning 2 Homework 4 assigned Slides (tentative)
September 22
Preprocessing Techniques 1 Slides (tentative)
September 24
No class Homework 3 due
September 29
Preprocessing Techniques 2 Homework 5 assigned Slides (tentative)
October 1
Quantified Boolean Formulas Homework 4 due Slides (tentative)
October 6
Proof Logging for SAT and QBF 1 Slides (tentative)
October 8
Proof Logging for SAT and QBF 2 Homework 5 due Slides (tentative)
October 13
October 15
Project Proposals Homework 6 assigned
October 20
October 22
October 27
October 29
Project Proposal Summaries Homework 6 due
Homework 7 assigned
November 3
November 5
Homework 7 due
November 10
Project Reports and Questions
November 12
No class, available for questions
November 17
Project Reports and Questions
November 19
No class, available for questions
November 24
Project Reports and Questions
November 26
No class, Thanksgiving Holiday
December 1
Student Presentations
December 3
No class, available for questions


Homework will generally be assigned every week on Tuesday and it is due nine days later on Thursday at the beginning of class. You should bring your finished homework to class; we may discuss it or we may work a problem or two during class. Late homework is not accepted, but the lowest homework grade will be dropped. Assignments will appear here as the semester progresses. Please show your work -- partial credit cannot be awarded if just an incorrect answer is given. Each homework must have a homework cover sheet attached to the front. Only write the information requested on this cover sheet; do not include your UT ID number nor your Taxpayer ID number.


There are no specific prerequisites for this class. Students are expected to have graduate standing of have received the instructor's permission to take this class.

In general, the information found in Code of Conduct is a good guide on how to conduct yourself in this class. Additional general information about College of Natural Sciences (CNS) class coursework and procedures can be found in Vice Provost Laude's memorandum to the CNS faculty.

This course should comply with the requirements of the University and the State of Texas. Texas House Bill 2504 specifies a number of items regarding course materials and instructor qualifications: Hunt. In addition, the material contained in the class webpages are designed to be compliant with Gretchen Ritter's (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Faculty Governance) August 3, 2012, memorandum. Ritter's memorandum also addresses issues concerning campus safety and security. Please familiarize yourself with this information, and let us know if you believe the class Website does not comply with these requirements.

Any scholastic dishonesty will be referred to the Dean of Students Office. The following passage is taken from the University of Texas at Austin Information Handbook for Faculty.

    The Discipline Policies Committee believes that in most cases of scholastic dishonesty the student forfeits the right to credit in that course, and that a penalty of "F" for the course may be warranted. In addition to the academic penalties assigned by a faculty member, the Dean of Students or the hearing officer may assign one or more of the University discipline penalties listed in the "General Information" bulletin, Appendix C, Sections 11-501 and 11-502. Certain types of misconduct, such as a student substituting for someone else on an exam or having someone substitute for the student, submitting a purchased term paper, or altering academic records, have usually involved a penalty of suspension from the University.

As a reminder, the "UT Code of Conduct" is included below, and additional information on-line where one may find additional information (through additional links) about what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, etc. Specifically, the Academic Policies and Procedures of UT Austin may be consulted if you have any questions.

    The core values of the University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community.

We fully support the University's scholastic honesty policies, and we will follow the University's policies in the event of any scholastic dishonesty. If you are ever unsure whether some act would be considered in violation of the University's policies, do not hesitate to ask your instructors or other University academic representatives.

Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 512-471-6259, or follow this link.

A notice regarding accommodations for religious holidays. By UT Austin policy, you must notify us of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence.

The following recommendations regarding emergency evacuation from the Office of Campus Safety and Security, 512-471-5767, or see the safety office website.

Occupants of buildings on The University of Texas at Austin campus are required to evacuate buildings when a fire alarm is activated. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside. Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when entering the building. Students requiring assistance in evacuation shall inform their instructor in writing during the first week of class. In the event of an evacuation, follow the instruction of faculty or class instructors. Do not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the following: Austin Fire Department, The University of Texas at Austin Police Department, or Fire Prevention Services office.

Information about emergency evacuation routes and emergency procedures is available.