Practical Linear Algebra

SDS 329C

Unique Number: 58745

Fall 2014
MW 11:00am-12:30pm
Room: GDC 4.304

Instructor: Inderjit Dhillon (send email)
Office: GDC 4.704
Office Hours: Wed 2-3pm, or by appointment

TA: Si Si (send email)
Office: GDC 4.802G
Office Hours: Tue 1-2:30pm, Fri 2:30-4pm


  • Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang, Fourth Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2009.
  • Pre-requisites

  • Credit or registration for Mathematics 408C, 408K, or 408N.
  • Handouts

  • Class Survey
  • Syllabus

  • Solving Linear Equations
  • Vector Spaces
  • Least Squares
  • Determinants
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Singular Value Decomposition
  • Grading

  • 40% midterms (2 exams)
  • 35% final exam
  • 25% homeworks (late homework policy is posted on Canvas)
  • Important Dates

  • Homework is assigned every week on Wed, and is due in class next Wed.
  • Midterm 1: Oct 6 (in class)
  • Midterm 2: Nov 24 (in class)
  • Online Material

  • Strang's Video Lectures on Linear Algebra, Undergraduate course, MIT, Fall 1999.
  • Code of Conduct: