Homework 5 Due Tuesday 3/22 Part 1: Complete the Robot Training Session. The mentor will log your completion. Part 2: Construct a robot model using URDF Pre-requisites: URDF Tutorials part 1, 2 and 3: http://wiki.ros.org/urdf/Tutorials Requirements: The robot you construct must have at least 6 non-fixed joints. At least two types of non-fixed joints must be included. The three types of non-fixed joints are prismatic, revolute, and continuous. What to turn in: your URDF robot file along with 5 screenshots showing your robot in different configurations (i.e., different values for its joints). To display the model in rviz with a gui to set the joint values, run: roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:= gui:=True Place the urdf model in a folder called “urdf” in one of your ros package. From the terminal, navigate to your package folder using cd commands. Then, run: roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=urdf/ gui:=True where is the filename of the URDF model. You should name your file “my_robot_.urdf” so that each submission is unique. In your README file, include a brief description of the robot you built Extra Credit: Include a 3D model in your URDF file similarly to how the gripper model was included for the R2D2 robot that you build in the URDF tutorial. However, use a different model other than gripper used in the tutorial (i.e., you’ll have to look at a robot description package and locate a 3D model you’d like to use). For example, to visualize the PR2 model, use the following commands roscd pr2_description roslaunch urdf_tutorial xacrodisplay.launch model:=robots/pr2.urdf.xacro gui:=true In the README file, state that you completed the extra credit, if completed.