CS372: Solutions for Homework 6

Problem 1:

Show that the following algorithm is a correct solution to the critical section problem for two processes (satisfies the 3 conditions). The solution for process Pi (i = 0 or 1) with Pj (j = 1 or 0) is shown below:
int turn = 0;

flag[i] = 1;
while (flag[j])
    if (turn == j)
        flag[i] = 0;
        while(turn == j)
        flag[i] = 1;

/* enter C.S. */
/* exit C.S. */
turn = j;
flag[i] = 0;

This algorithm is called Dekker's solution.


1. Mutual exclusion:
There are two cases to consider:
a. A process is inside the C.S.: Without loss of generality, assume process j is inside the C.S. Before entering
the C.S. the process sets its own flag to 1. If process i tries to enter the C.S. it will see that flag[j] is up and gets caught up in the while loop. It will continue in the while loop until the other process sets its own flag to 0, which happens only at the end of the C.S.
b. Two processes are trying to enter simultaneously: In this situation, if both processes reach their respective while loop at the top, then the variable turn will ensure that only one of them passes through. The variable turn is alternating between the allowing either process, and is only modified at the exit of a C.S.

2. Progress:
There are two cases to consider:
a. One process is trying to enter with no competition: In such a case, the flag of the other process is down, and the process goes past the while look into the critical section directly.
b. Two processes are trying to enter simultaneously. In this case if the first process is trapped into the while loop, then the variable turn will make one of the two variables lower its flag and goes into a loop waiting for the variable turn to change (the inner while loop). The other process whose turn is set by the variable turn will be able to get through.

3. Bounded Waiting:
Assume there is a process blocked inside the inner while loop, while another process is in C.S. In such a case, if the process inside the critical section tries to re-enter, it will be blocked because on exit of the C.S. it has already set the variable turn to point to the other process. Therefore, the process that just got out of the C.S. will be forced to wait for its own turn. So, bounded waiting is taken care of.

Problem 2:

 John Hacker is a hardware designer who came up with a great idea for a hardware instruction that he claims can help in solving the critical section problem. It is called atomic counters. An atomic counter is a variable in memory that can be sampled and incremented in one atomic operation. Also, it can be reset to 0. That is, the two opreations allowed on the shared variable a are:

        j = a++;         // execute in one atomic operation
        a = 0;

Either come up with a solution to the C.S. problem using this facility or show that it cannot help.


This hardware solution can help implement a solution to the C.S. as follows:

atomic inside = 0;            // inside is an atomic counter
int a;

a = inside++;
if(a != 1)
  goto retry;
/* enter C.S. */
/* exit C.S. */
inside = 0;

Problem 3

A common technique to achieve mutual exclusion in a uniprocessor kernel is to disable interrupts before getting inside a critical section and enable them after exiting a critical section. Explain why this technique works.

A uniprocessor kernel can be entered simultaneously through a trap, and through interrupts. When a thread is running inside the kernel, it could get pre-empted if the machine receives an interrupt. Thus, the interrupt handlers may call functions that access and modify global data structures. There may be a situation where the thread that was running inside the kernel when the interrupt occurred may be modifying the same data structures. This creates a nasty form of concurrency. A standard solution thus is to cut the reason for this concurrency at the source, i.e. disable interrupts which are the cause for pre-empting a thread when it is running inside the kernel. Needless to say, this form of concurrency control is rather crude, and it cannot scale to multiprocessors.

Problem 4:

Following is an implementation of a stack data structure for a multithreaded application. Identify the bugs, if any, and correct them.

#include "Exception.h"
#include "Semaphore.h"
#include <iostream.h>

const MaxStackSize = 100;

class Stack            // throws an exception object when popping an empty stack, and when pushing into a full stack
    int s[MaxStackSize];
    int stackp;                        // stack pointer
    Exception * e;                  // For error handling
    Semaphore * sem;           // For mutual exclusion
    ~Stack()        {};
    int Pop(void);
    void Push(int item);

    stackp = MaxStackSize;
    e = new Exception();
    sem = new Semaphore(1);

int Stack::Pop(void)
    if(stackp == MaxStackSize)
            e->SetErrorMsg("Popping empty stack");
Error: Before throwing the exception, we must release the lock (i.e. V(sem)), or
the stack object will not be accessible to any process any time in the future.
    return s[stackp++];
Error: We are incrementing stackp after releasing the lock!!

void Stack::Push(int item)
    if(stackp == 0)
            e->SetErrorMsg("Pushing to a full stack");
Error: Before throwing the exception, we must release the lock (i.e. V(sem)), or
the stack object will not be accessible to any process any time in the future.
    s[--stackp] = item;