CS378: Autonomous Intelligent Robotics (FRI)

Spring 2014

Instructor: Matteo Leonetti
Department of Computer Science

Tuesday, Thursday 15:30- 17:00
Classroom: GDC 4.302


Instructions for the new assignment posted in the Assignments section.

Office hours


Time: Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30, or by appointment
Office: GDC 3.418
Email: matteo--AT--cs--DOT--utexas--DOT--edu

Teaching assistant - Ali Unwala:

Time: TTh 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Office: GDC 3.414b (BWI lab)

Course Requirements

Grades will be based on

Students should post responses to the readings on the class wiki, under the appropriate heading (i.e. "Week x Readings"). Be sure to post your name and the date with your response! Credit will be based on evidence that you have done the readings carefully. Students should also comment and discuss other student's reading responses on the wiki. The response should include a summary of the reading along with any of the following:


A brain*.

Text and Website

There is no textbook for this course. Instead, relevant research papers will be assigned.

Philosophy and Goal

The foremost goal of this course is to expose the student to the full range of activities required of a real-life computer science researcher. It turns out that computer scientists rarely read textbooks, sit silently in lectures, work on programming assignments with correct and complete answers, or take exams. Rather, they

This course presents an opportunity for students to help decide whether they would enjoy going on to graduate school and an eventual career as a computer science researcher. In particular, students will be required to read published research papers, write brief reactions to them, participate in class discussions, propose and execute a solution to a challenging open-ended problem, and write about their work. They will be given an opportunity to collaborate with other students on the final project.

Content Overview

This course is focused on developing a building wide intelligence (BWI) for the new computer science building. The idea is to have a pervasive intelligence throughout the building, in the form of robots, kiosks, display screens, and cameras. These robots will perform a variety of tasks, such as leading people to their destinations or locating a person in the building.

The main goal of this course is to complete a small research project, advancing the abilities of the current BWI system.

Participation in the class discussions will also form a significant part of the grade. Class meetings will consist of discussions based on assigned readings and updates on project progress.
