Screen printing performed by event macros.
Event macros normally print messages on the screen when they run. At a minimum, they should print error messages, e.g. when user inputs do not pass validation. Event macros are run to produce results, namely events and sometimes files, which should be typically printed on the screen to confirm that the event macro has done its job, and also to inform the user of some details of the results. Sometimes it is useful to have event macros print additional information as they run, about their internal operation, e.g. to help debug when they do not seem to behave as expected. Furthermore, a user may sometimes want to see the complete output produced by ACL2 in response to the events produced by an event macro, not just the external (i.e. exported) events, but also the internal (i.e. local) events. In certain cases, a user may want to suppress all screen output, including any error messages.
The above discussion suggests five ordered levels of screen printing,
specified by the
nil < :error < :result < :info < :all
where the amount of printed material increases monotonically.