Further information on expanding definitions via rewriting
We assume you've read about ``
In addition, we assume you've read about ``
Suppose you're trying to prove formula1 and you transform it to formula2 by rewriting. What happened?
formula1: (implies (and (not (consp z)) (true-listp z)) (equal (rev (rev z)) z)) formula2: (implies (and (not (consp z)) (equal z nil)) (equal (rev (rev z)) z))
Evidently we replaced
The definition of
(defun true-listp (x) (if (consp x) (true-listp (cdr x)) (equal x nil))).
By rewriting once with the definition of
formula1': (implies (and (not (consp z)) (if (consp z) (true-listp (cdr z)) (equal z nil))) (equal (rev (rev z)) z)).
Note how the call of
Next, note that the first hypothesis above is that
formula1'': (implies (and (not (consp z)) (if nil (true-listp (cdr z)) (equal z nil))) (equal (rev (rev z)) z)).
(We will explore replacement of equals by equals later.)
Furthermore, we know the basic axiom about
Axiom if-nil: (if nil x y) = y.
Rewriting with this particular axiom, using
formula2: (implies (and (not (consp z)) (equal z nil)) (equal (rev (rev z)) z)).
Often when we say we derived one formula from another by ``expansion'' and
or by ``rewriting'' we take many rewrite steps, as here. We typically use
hypotheses of the formula without noting ``replacement of equals by equals''
as when we replaced
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