Execute some events, subsuming the specified ttags with the current ttag.
Example: (progn+subsume-ttags ((:foo) (:bar)) (include-book "foo" :ttags ((:foo))) (include-book "bar" :ttags ((:bar))))
This is like progn except that the first argument is a ttag-spec (See defttag) to be authorized within the constituent events and then subsumed. That is, an active ttag is required to use this form and that ttag is (first) used to allow the use of other ttags that may not already be authorized and (second) used to wipe the record that any extra ttags were used. This is what is meant by subsumption. If my book requires a ttag, I can then use this to include other books/forms requiring other ttags without those others needing specific prior authorization. An active ttag is required to use this form (See defttag).