Recursion and Induction: Substitutions
A substitution is a set {v_0 ← t_0, v_1 ← t_1, …} where each v_i is a distinct variable symbol and each t_i is a term. If, for a given substitution σ and variable v, there is an i such that v is v_i, we say v is bound by σ. If v is bound by σ, then the binding of v in σ is t_i, for the i such that v_i is v. (In set theory, a substitution is just a finite function that maps the v_i to their respective t_i.)
The result of applying a substitution σ to a term term is denoted term/σ and is defined as follows. If term is a variable, then term/σ is either the binding of term in σ or is term itself, depending on whether term is bound in σ. If term is a quoted constant, term/σ is term. Otherwise, term is (f a_1 … a_n) and term/σ is (f a_1/σ … a_n/σ).
Problem 6.
Suppose σ is
{x ← (car a), y ← (cdr x)}
What term is (car (cons x (cons y (cons '"Hello" z))))/σ?